5 Ways To Take Action Right Now


In real estate investing, there’s a group of people who seem to do deal after deal after deal, and there’s a group of perpetual learners who never seem to get around to actually investing. What’s the difference between the two?

Action. The first group takes action, even with imperfect knowledge; the second group delays action because they believe they’re missing a piece of the puzzle (but they’re ultimately suffering from analysis paralysis). Of course learning is essential but action is also essential because it puts your learning into practice.

Here are 5 ways to help you take action right now.

1. Start now
Don’t delay. Do something right now. This minute. As soon as you have finished reading this blog post. Don’t wait until next month or next Monday or tomorrow. (Actually, it’s a lot like dieting and exercise: many people delay until the start of next week… but the best time to start is this very instant).

2. It’s okay not to know everything
Many investors make the mistake of thinking they need to know everything about some aspect of investing before they take action on it. And while some action is good, it’s better to take action on imperfect knowledge than to delay action until you’ve learned everything… because you won’t ever learn everything. Taking action right now helps to fill in those gaps.

3. Embrace your fear
One of the causes of analysis paralysis is the problem of fear. We’re scared of the unknown so we spend a little more time learning, which is partially done with the hope that our knowledge will replace fear but it’s also partially done as an unconscious delaying tactic. Embrace the fear and start right now! Remember this: Everything you’ve ever wanted in life was just on the other side of fear. This is true for the first day of school, for learning to ride a bike, for introducing yourself to someone you liked, to applying for a job, to buying the house you live in. It was all scary to some degree but you did it anyway because what you wanted was just on the other side of that fear.

4. Get momentum as quickly as possible
Getting started is good but it’s easy to stumble and even stop, overcome by fear of the unknown. The best way to take action and to stay in that action-taking zone is to get momentum as quickly as possible. One way to do this is to make a list of the first 5 actions you need to take right away and then start on the first action, complete it, then start on the second, and so on. One action is good but multiple consecutive actions give you that momentum to help you get rolling. (And once you get rolling, you’re less likely to stop!)

5. Make course corrections
Inexperienced investors suffering from analysis paralysis mistakenly feel that course corrections are costly, which is one reason why they spend more time learning than doing. However, there is an even greater cost to not doing anything at all (but it’s harder to see that cost, which is why it’s so common). Accept the fact that you’ll need to make some course corrections along the way. (Bonus tip: A mentor can help you avoid many of those challenges while you’re takin action).

Action. It’s the real estate investor’s secret weapon to actually achieving your goals and dreams. Without action, you’re just filling your head with knowledge that has zero application. And although knowledge is good, knowledge applied (through action) is powerful and profitable!

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and take action!!!


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