
The 5 C’s of Credit

By Calum Ross While most people have heard of the three R’s of the environment reduce, reuse, recycle many aren’t aware of the five C’s of credit. If you’re in the market for a home, you should know these like the back of your hand. A mortgage represents a lot of dough it shouldn’t come […]

The Ultimate Residential Purchase & Mortgage Transaction Checklist

By Darren Richards Below is a simple outline or checklist of the tasks and events that comprise a typical residential purchase and mortgage transaction. It might serve to give some context to those crazy legal fees that lawyers charge and by crazy I mean crazy small by the way! YOUR OBJECTIVES: Legal Title Purchase the […]

Want to Invest in a Small Community? Here’s how to Market Your Suite!

This is probably not the answer you want to hear, but I personally would not invest in a property in a small community of 3000 people or so. My answer is in part motivated by my experience as a former manager at CMHC’s multi-family default management department in the Prairie Region. The very few defaults […]

Are Millennials being attracted to work in Northern BC/Alberta or being pushed out of Metro Vancouver?

By Melanie Reuter With average home prices absorbing 81.6% of household income in Vancouver, you have to wonder how much longer that can be sustained. First, it’s important to note that not all Millennials have the same wants and needs. The lure of owning a home versus renting does not have the same pull as […]

You Have $10K to for Renovations – Where do You Spend it?

By Jared Hope This is a tough question as it all depends on the state of the house. For example: How old are the floors? How bad are the walls? How old is the kitchen? Are the bathrooms in bad shape? So, let?s assume you are just buying the house and would like to make […]

How to Put Your Kids Through University

By Brent Roberts

The 5 Do’s and 6 Don’ts of Successful Investors

By Don R Campbell The sad reality is that so many investors, especially those just starting out, become obsessed with NOT making mistakes and therefore never begin to create the “Action & Successes” that can easily erase the mistake. That s like focussing on just the expenses of a property and not raising the rents […]

Ask an Expert with Brian Pulis and Adam Hoffman

Do What You Love, and the Money Will Follow

By Richard Dolan Longtime friend, author and world-renowned speaker, Robin Sharma, once shared with me during a tea, Do what you love and the money will follow. Since then, I’ve learned to live and lead in life from these words of wisdom and appreciate the gift of success it provided me. Sharma, who is best […]

Your Ultimate Guide to Alternative Real Estate Investments