Real Estate Investing Strategies

Build a Winning Team: Picking Your Star Winger—the Real Estate Agent

By Jared Hope

Trends: Secret Weapon of the Strategic Investor

The Power of a Buyer Persona: Making the Right Marketing Decisions

By Marie Wiese

How to Choose the Right Real Estate Agent for Your Business

By James Knull

What’s Holding Your Real Estate Investing Back?

By Michael Dominguez When it comes to investing in real estate, taking action sounds easier than it is. You can do the research, build your team, and find a property, but the act of preparing an offer and actually getting a property under contract can be frightening. The what-ifs start to bounce around in your […]

How to be the Picasso of Real Estate… or Push it Like Picasso

What a Bold Next Step Requires

By Patrick Francey Blind spot: An area of a larger space that is not visible; an area of obstructed view. Motion: The act of changing position or location. Action: The act or process of doing something, typically to achieve an outcome. A thing done; execution; executed. There is a blind spot, which even the most […]

Win Tickets to the ACRE Live Program in Toronto

Toronto’s real estate market is hot, hot, hot! What better time to ramp up your real estate knowledge than right now? We have assembled a lineup of real estate investing and business experts, all in one room for three daysÂ… and you have a chance to attend this event for FREE!

‘s 5 Unconventional Tips for Landlords

Many people look into renting out their properties (and subsequently becoming landlords) to supplement their income. But being a landlord may not be as easy as you think. Some potential landlords may not know what GASB 87 compliance is or what time frame they have for a tenant request. All of these things can be […]

Don R. Campbell’s Journey to Becoming an Everyday Millionaire