2015 Joint Venture Partner of the Year



The Joint Venture Partner of the Year is given to the Member who has developed new and dynamic ways of attracting the most profitable JV partnerships with other investors and creates win/win situations for both partners.

milsom_sherilynn_ab_north_michael_millenaar_20151130.jpgSHERILYNN MILSOM – Alberta North 

Sherilynn has been a REIN Member since October 2007 and has her Gold Pin.

She believes in setting high but achievable goals for all of her JV investments. She does everything possible to ensure her JV partner gets value for what he or she puts into the partnership.

Sherilynn is very hands on in her approach, handling all aspects of the property and the investment and proactively managing it to ensure its success. If something goes wrong, she is quick to address it and keeps the lines of communication open with her JV partner at all times. She also strives to avoid any unexpected cash calls and has been known to adjust down her share of the profits to ensure her partners get as close to their promised ROI as possible. Sherilynn’s JV partners trust her to share profits 50/50 regardless of who’s on the mortgage.

She is known for having integrity, being consistent and reliable, and for upholding very high standards.  As Sherilynn shared “A JV partner who invests with me knows he or she is getting a top-notch investment that will almost always work out as planned.”

Her biggest success this year is the number of REIN Members who have approached her as potential JV partners, simply through word of mouth.

peever_derek_bc_jv_partner_20151203_1.jpgDEREK PEEVER – BC

A Platinum Pin award winner, Derek joined REIN in February 2007.

An extremely active REIN Member, Derek attends every REIN Workshop and is always looking to provide advice or assistance to people in the community. He is well-known among REIN Members, and beyond, for his respect and generosity. He encompasses everything that REIN teaches not only in the way he helps others succeed, but in his moral compass too. Derek always puts his partners first, often working late into the night to ensure success for everyone around him.

borkowski_daniel_ab_south_jv_partner_20151201.jpgDANIEL BORKOWSKI – Alberta South

A Gold Pin award winner, Daniel joined REIN in July 2007 and has spent 2015 focusing less on new acquisitions and more on improving management, polishing systems, strengthening relationships and spending time with his family.

It is Daniel’s philosophy to build his business around his life, rather than build his life around his business. He has successfully built a business which he can grow and manage from anywhere in the world, and he credits this success to his incredible team and the trust of his joint venture partners.

While Daniel has achieved a wonderful balance between his personal life and his business, he still makes time to participate in educational events. In March 2015 he participated in the REIN Calgary ACRE event as part of the Investment Strategies panel, and he has also been involved in the creation of recorded audio/video and home-study materials provided to attendees of the REIN Creative Quick-Turn Investing Strategies workshops.

Finally, Daniel also takes the time to share his expertise with others. A frequent attendee of REIN meetings, he will often head to the back of the room to help others and share his experiences. He is always willing to offer advice and mentorship to anyone who asks – and particularly to newer Members.

danby_rich_ont_jv_partner_20151202.jpgRICH DANBY – Ontario

A Gold Pin award winner, Rich joined REIN in April 2011. He has been a positive role model for REIN members by teaching them and inspiring them through his actions.

Rich has increased his leadership role by contributing more content on stage, writing articles for the REIN Report and has become an REIA. He has participated in panels, been interviewed one-on-one, co-presented with Russell Westcott, attended pre-meetings as an REIA representative and delivered 45 minute presentations in Ottawa and Toronto.

In addition to his continued participation with REIN, Rich also speaks on the topic of real estate and many other non-REIN events in many other cities across Ontario. Furthermore, he is proactive when it comes to assisting his community. Rich presents an Empowerment Seminar for a church, helping members and guests with their financial literacy. He also recently started coaching his sons hockey team, and he is in the process of planning the launch of the Ottawa Basket Brigade, which will help feed families in need during the holidays. 

2014 Winners: Amin Murji, Daniel Borkowski, Derek Peever, Daniel St-Jean


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