Calgary Floods – Important Information for REIN Members and the Public
As a company with deep roots in Calgary and Alberta on whole, we are extremely compassionate to all those affected by the flooding happening right now in the region and we’re here to do everything we can to help those people that may be in need.
The Real Estate Investment Network is committed to the well being of all REIN Members and members of the public who are connected to us in any way, and we’ve taken action and started a community thread on myREINspace for people who are in need of information on their insurance providers regarding flood damage, those needing instructions on where they may be able to find shelter or help, and people who may have been spared by the flood waters and have a couch to share or a dry place for people to spend a few hours or longer until the waters subside.
For REIN Members and any investors who know that their properties have been affected by the flooding, we urge you to contact your tenants and make sure they are ok and have a place to stay. Many of them are from out of town and may not have many friends or family in the area to lean on – this is your time to show humanity and goodwill as an outstanding landlord.
We will be updating the community thread on myREINspace throughout the day and over the weekend with information on insurance you may hold with us (if you are a REIN Member), emergency info and as well, we’d like people to make this thread a hub for anyone who needs a place to go or those who have a place or resources that they are able to share with those people that are affected.
As with any disaster situation, there is also a great opportunity to rise above and respond positively to adversity – a true test of your resilience. Just this morning, Dr. Paul G. Stoltz checked in with Russell Westcott by phone to share his message for resilience in times of disaster and great adversity. Take a few minutes to listen to Dr. Stoltz below:
Stay safe out there and take the opportunity to step up and help your neighbours out.
Important REIN Member Information:
The Monday, June 24th REIN Meeting in Calgary has been postponed due to the flooding in the region and will be rescheduled for a date to be named in July. Stay tuned to your email for information in the near future.