It Takes More Than Talent, Grit and Determination to Become a Top Investment Town



To be one of top athletes in a particular sport, it takes talent, grit and determination. To be one of the top towns for real estate investment in British Columbia, it takes a different combination of ingredients.

On August 17th, Melanie Reuter had a great conversation with Tom Lucas and Sheri Brown from the Radio Real Estate program and chatted in depth about the top 10 cities for investing in BC and the factors that stood out for them to be considered for the list. Economic factors like job growth and job creation, GDP growth in a region and inmigration into a particular area all work together to give a top investment city the strong base it needs for investment. Listen to the full interview below:


As these top investment regions continue to grow and the economic fundamentals that drive them evolve and shift, staying on top of the changing economic climate is crucial to making sound investment decisions.


If you’re interested in checking out the full Top BC Investment Towns report for yourself, visit to download it for free.

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