Six Laws for the Excellent Real Estate Investment Entrepreneur in 2015


By Richard Dolan

When we hear the word law it s usually in reference to the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of penalties as in they were taken to court for breaking the law. However, inside the context of this article, the term law is rather a statement of fact, deduced from observation, to the effect that a particular natural or scientific phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions are present.

The phenomenon I wish for you, your life, and in the practice of real estate investing, is excellence and not just excellence at searching for, measuring, and buying real estate. Rather, I wish you excellence in being an entrepreneur who is in the business of real estate investments.

You see, by definition according to the Oxford Dictionary, an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. Being a phenomenally Excellent Real Estate Investment Entrepreneur then is about possessing a profound clarity and exercising an unapologetic plan to attain financial certainty for yourself and your family. Moreover, being a successful real estate investment entrepreneur means strengthening client relationships by using a variety of tools (like Real estate text messaging software found on
sites of firms similar to Heymarket) or strategies.

To achieve this is to begin or continue living by The Six Laws for Excellence.

Law #1: Activate Your Sense of Self Challenge

To activate your sense of self challenge is to possess a core belief that once you set a goal, you will achieve it without compromise, complaint, or cutting corners. You embody the commitment to finishing what you started in real estate, continually setting for yourself difficult goals in order to grow, expand and reach new heights of personal excellence, achievement and self-brilliance. You interpret challenges and obstacles as sources to personal resilience, leaning into these interruptions to excellence rather than avoiding them.

The Bottom Line: As an Excellent Real Estate Investment Entrepreneur you live life and practice searching for, buying, and selling real estate with:

A blend of optimism and appetite that keeps you happy and hungry in equal measure;
The belief that everything leads to ultimate success and;
An open-minded, future-focused outlook.

Law #2: Operate with Adaptive Navigation

To operate with adaptive navigation is to have the capacity to adapt oneself to life’s uncertainties and change accordingly both personally and professionally. You possess and harness the desire to explore complexity in real estate as a learning experience and source of opportunity to grow interpersonally as well as financially. The world of real estate has a lot to offer, but the complexities associated with it are also at large. If you specialize in commercial real estate, there are different levels of legal formalities that you need to familiarise yourself with. For example, when it comes to environmental law, you should know whom to call for a phase 1 esa (Environmental Site Assessment), or the over-head expenses that your client would have to look out for. Guiding your potential client isn’t easy if you are not aware of what you are getting into.

At times you may face challenges in making the right decision or choosing the right property, don’t hesitate to seek expert advice before putting up your bet. More so, when you are not 100% sure about the stake it’s better to make a web search for some reputed real estate firms (like Invest with Ben) and gather any knowledge you can through their online sites.

The Bottom Line: As an Excellent Real Estate Investment Entrepreneur you live life and practice searching, buying and selling real estate with the ability to:

Focus on what counts while seeing the bigger picture in real estate and in life;

Go fast and slow in business and at home; and

Always operate with profound clarity and commitment for the end result you seek.

Law #3: Be Fully Socially Engaged

You are excited to be a member of the REIN community. It s the place where people are close to each other and aligned in common interests and committed to learning all there is to know to buy, hold and sell real estate, with the fundamentals always in mind. You appreciate the requirement to ensure the community relationships that you create, and are a part of, are authentic, meaningful, and purposeful. You have a drive to share personal insights with others that they can trust, rely on, and grow from. And, you know that being fully socially engaged in the community is the source of validation and assurance in times of change, uncertainty, or instability.

The Bottom Line: As an Excellent Real Estate Investment Entrepreneur you live life and practice searching, buying and selling real estate with:

A commitment to playing your role in a community that is reserved to regroup and reflect on one s thoughts on real estate investing;

A knowing that this social-engagement is as vital to one s wellbeing as anything that one does with one s body; and

Being available and accessible to fellow members so to be a contribution to others through sharing and be contributed to.

Law #4: Possess Uncommon Purpose

Possessing uncommon purpose is about having an awareness of a higher intelligence and an intense desire to understand how it impacts your life. You know at a conscious or unconscious level that you are searching for a higher purpose that gives meaning to your day-to-day activities with a superior ability to cope with adversity through empowering interpretations. That means living and operating with a rich inner life and being of service to one s fellow human beings whether they are profitable or not.

The Bottom Line: It s Not Just About You.

Law #5: Be Committed To Total Financial Well-Being

Being committed to total financial well-being is not about being rich or living a more lavish lifestyle thanks to real estate investing. It s about having the authentic feeling of being in control of your financial situation. Not just the home-finances, but your portfolio, joint ventures and the like. It s about having the mindset that enables you to pursue your dreams without being constrained by financial fears and living and striving to achieve that buffer zone between oneself and desperation. You know and have come to accept and understand that wealth is generated by fully actualizing one s talents.

The Bottom line: As an Excellent Real Estate Investment Entrepreneur you live life and practice searching, buying and selling real estate with:

Personal generosity;

Faith that if one takes the right steps, and keeps on walking, the rewards will follow; and

A desire to live with passion and personal perseverance.

Law #6: Have an Indomitable Will

You know, and realize, it is not easy to find smart deals, smart money and profitable exits in real estate. You accept it requires a lot of patience, money, contacts and perseverance. You ve come to realize that it takes time to connect, make it happen, and have it click. For that reason, possessing an indomitable will to succeed in real estate is about a profound and professional will. This is comprised of four components:

1. Determination – firmness of purpose; resoluteness.

2. Desire – a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

3. Decisiveness – settling an issue; producing a definite result.

4. Drive – determined urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need.

The Bottom Line: As an Excellent Real Estate Investment Entrepreneur you live life and practice searching, buying and selling real estate with:

A formidable force that can overcome, even overpower, other winning traits;

A strong-will for something (perhaps your Belize) that serves as your force of conviction and effort behind realizing it.

John C. Maxwell, author of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership wrote, Becoming a leader is like investing in the stock market. If you try to make a fortune in a day, you won’t succeed. What matters most is what you do day by day over the long haul. If you continually invest in your leadership development, letting your assets compound, the inevitable result is growth over time.

Richard Dolan is the President of REIN and the resident expert on Performance for real estate investors and professionals. Addicted to producing results, Richard is an expert on raising funds, building brand and strategy with one aim: to produce competitive immunity. Reach Richard at


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