Do You Want the Highest Resale Value?


Those of you who are familiar with REIN are familiar with the factors that financially influence investment properties. 

But it can be challenging for those who don’t know the factors and purchase on “feel.” Regardless of whether you are buying your first home, a new primary residence, or a rental property, it is important to keep the future in mind.

There is a significant chance that as your lifestyle changes, so will your requirements in a home. Instead of getting caught up in the specific features of a home, why not consider the resale value? Wouldn’t an extra $100K sound great when you sell in five years? 

Well, our Director of Research, Melanie Reuter, was interviewed on the top things people are willing to pay a bit more for. Read the article here and learn how to turn every home purchase into a profitable investment.

For more investment advice from Melanie and other industry experts get your free copy of the REIN E-Report!{{cta(‘1be66a74-7dfc-4e67-a1de-5a41539de3f0′,’justifycenter’)}}

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