The Real Estate Insider Podcast: Episode 4 – Climbing The Financing Wall, Part 2


itunes logoWhat an amazing experience we had at ACRE Toronto this past weekend! If you were there, you likely went home with new knowledge and new confidence to get out into the real estate investing game.


stitcher radioThis week’s episode features Calum Ross, Principal Broker at Calum Ross Mortgage. Calum is a veteran of the mortgage industry and has financed billions of dollars worth of real estate throughout his career. His common-sense approach to mortgages is one that all investors and home buyers can benefit from.


Russell Westcott hosts Calum this week for Part 2 of 2 as they discuss some of the finer details of mortgage financing in this day and age, and tackle some of the tough questions that investors from across the country are facing as they move to grow their portfolios and create a solid future for themselves and their families.


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