8 Things People Just Don’t Get About Real Estate Investors


By Richard Dolan

Entrepreneurship is hard work. And hard work is simply, well, hard work.

Becoming an entrepreneur is not for everyone and becoming a Real Estate Entrepreneur is an ambition that requires a profound commitment to plan, focus and execute. Success doesn’t happen overnight, and it takes time to generate leads (visit somewhere like Dorrmat to learn more about generating real estate leads).

By definition, to be an entrepreneur is to be ?a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.? Additionally, keeping up with the latest information and new trends in the market such as demand can be equally important. one such way to ensure that, can be by checking out https://patmcbride.com/south-florida-industrial-real-estate-market-report and other such web pages that may provide articles and blogs on up to date information about the real estate market. Inside the game of being a real estate investor requires more than just financial risks. I believe it?s a risk of capital, and not just in terms of currency and dollars.

You see, capital by definition is ?wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing. As most entrepreneurs will tell you, the process of starting a company isn’t straightforward – company names, office addresses and payrolls are all things that need establishing. Another task that’s also extremely important, but often forgotten is registering your business, so using a company like Your Company Formations (https://yourcompanyformations.co.uk) will assist in getting the ball rolling.

Other assets, therefore, can be time and effort. Assets known as contacts, relationships, education, experience, culture, insight, intuition as well as cash, credit and the likes of financial instruments are all considerably assets available to be invested to generate a return as a real estate entrepreneur.

So why are Real Estate Entrepreneurs willing to live vulnerably, with the emotional adversities, financial uncertainties and the risk of public and private failure?

Easy. They have no choice.

For Real Estate Entrepeneurs…

  1. The vision of Real Estate Entrepreneurs is brighter than what others can see. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote ?who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying.? When it comes to having a clear vision that is compelling and consumes your utmost courage to fulfill; people see the person you become in pursuing its achievement.
  2. The voice in the mind of Real Estate Entrepreneurs? is louder than every other voice they hear. You respect the opinions of others and perhaps even see the point within them. You hear the best and forget the rest. You believe in yourself, your vision and your ideals for yourself and your family. You know you can do it their way, or the right way and that, ultimately, is your way.
  3. Real Estate Entrepreneurs? don?t make choices ? they create choices. Author J.K. Rowling said “It is our choices… that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” The act of creating choices, versus making choices, is profound and powerful. Making a choice suggests you are limited, while creating choices consider the unlimited possibilities available to you as an entrepreneur.

    That?s why real estate entrepreneurs? accomplish often the inconceivable ? because to them that word truly doesn?t mean what everyone else thinks it means.

  4. Real Estate Entrepreneurs? don?t just make commitments ? they cash in on commitments. Focused on monetizing opportunities, the real estate entrepreneur wastes no time in the state of indecision and makes decisions, especially when it comes to cashing in on efforts and energies vested in a potential deal.

    It reminds me of what Muhammad Ali once said, “I hated every minute of training, but I said, don?t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”

  5. Real Estate Entrepreneurs? appreciate optimism ? but are allergic to pessimism. Pessimism is defined as ?a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen; a lack of hope or confidence in the future.? Real estate entrepreneurs? look at the glass half full, see opportunity in the dark, read ?possible? inside the impossible and get things done rather than hoping to get to it.

    But, when these entrepreneurs work with individuals, investors or potential partners that remotely smell like they can be pessimistic will be turned away.

    Excellent real estate entrepreneurs take the high road and leave the Doubting Thomas?s behind.

  6. Real Estate Entrepreneurs? are fans of other entrepreneurs. They realized long ago (or just recently) that working for a corporation is often a zero-sum game because personal success usually comes at the expense of others. If you get promoted, someone else does not. If you get the raise, others do not. That?s why it?s really hard not to resent other people?s success inside the corporate world when you?re really disappointed.

    Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, truly love it when others succeed. Inside real estate investing, we all know, the pie is big enough for everyone to have a piece. Real estate entrepreneurs see the success of other real estate entrepreneurs? as exciting, exhilarating and inspirational ? not to mention as validation that creativity, courage and commitment does pay off.

  7. Real Estate Entrepreneurs? know real estate investing is a one-man-sport, but respect it is a team event. We know it is only human to want to feel like you are a part of something bigger than yourself. We are kindred spirits, wanting to be led or, even better for excellent real estate entrepreneurs?, bearing a deep desire to lead others.

    Playing the real estate investment game leverages the best of an introverted personality, but calls out the extrovert in us all. The due diligence, research, analysis and mathematics of doing a real estate deal plays into the values of an introvert ?a shy, reticent, and typically self-centered person.?

    The fund raising, negotiations, brokering of a deal or rallying the trades to organize the renovations and the like leverages the extrovert within, ?an outgoing, overtly expressive person.?

    So true when Henry David Thoreau wrote, “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”

  8. Real Estate Entrepreneurs? think, Why Not Me? Regardless of your aspirations, goals or pursuits ? success, no matter how you define it, is difficult to achieve. That?s why we all fail sometimes as real estate entrepreneurs. And when we do, it?s easy to decide what events were outside of our control.

    It?s easy to get down on yourself and ponder, why don?t I ever get the opportunities other people get?

    Or, why aren?t my family, friends and loved ones more supportive of my real estate goals?

    Or, why can?t I catch a break?

    Real Estate Entrepreneurs? ask a different question: Why not me?

That?s why there are entrepreneurs that will open a restaurant in the same location where others failed.

They didn?t succeed, but why not me?

Entrepreneurs will start a technology company with nothing but inspiration and an idea: They may have deeper pockets and major market share, but why not me?

A real estate entrepreneur searches, finds, and secures real estate investment opportunities in markets people overlook, underestimate or simply misunderstand.

Entrepreneurs simply don?t assume successful people possess special talents or gifts of the entrepreneurial gods.

They see successful and accomplished people and think that?s awesome, and if he can do that, why not me?

Good question: Why not you?

If you think about it, there is no real answer, because when you?re truly willing to not just dream big but also to try incredibly hard, be undaunted and deeply committed, there are no reasons you can?t accomplish what it is you set out to do for yourself and your real estate investment business ? at least none that matter to you.

In the words of Leonardo da Vinci, “It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.”

What has your experience been while becoming a Real Estate Entrepeneur? Let us know in the discussion!

Richard Dolan is the President of REIN and the resident expert on Performance for real estate investors and professionals. Addicted to producing results, Richard is an expert on raising funds, building brand and strategy with one aim: to produce competitive immunity. Reach Richard at Richard@reincanada.com.

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