Relationship Rowboat +F.L.O.W.

The latest episode of The Everyday Millionaire Podcast is now online!

“Why the conversation about mindset and why is it important? It’s not just about success, it’s not about getting shit done, it’s not about being uber successful in business or in life. It’s really how we approach business, how we approach life. It’s actually all about us and how we view the world.”
– Patrick Francey
Mindset Matters: Relationship Rowboat +F.L.O.W.
In this episode of the Mindset Matters podcast, hosts Patrick and Steffany dive into the metaphor of the “relationship rowboat,” reflecting on the dynamics of relationships, particularly in the wake of recent global events. They begin by reminiscing about their busy and fulfilling summer, full of travel, family visits, and social gatherings, highlighting the importance of cherishing these moments.
The core of the discussion centers around the concept of the “relationship rowboat,” a metaphor they originally used to explain to their daughter the ebb and flow of friendships. They explore how this metaphor applies not just to friendships but to all types of relationships, including business and romantic ones. The idea is that in any relationship, both parties must contribute to keep the “boat” moving forward. However, life’s challenges, such as the stresses brought on by global events or personal struggles, can cause one person to stop rowing, leaving the other to carry the burden or risk the relationship stalling or sinking.
Patrick and Steffany emphasize the importance of communication and self-awareness in maintaining healthy relationships. They discuss how it’s vital to recognize when someone has stopped rowing, either because of personal reasons or external pressures, and to respond with understanding rather than resentment. They also highlight the need to reflect on whether we ourselves have stopped contributing to a relationship and the significance of being honest about our capacity to engage fully.
The episode closes with a powerful message about the flow of life and relationships, encouraging listeners to remain open and non-judgmental, allowing people to come and go as needed without taking it personally. The hosts leave their audience with the thought-provoking question: Are you rowing in your relationship rowboat, or have you let go of the oars without realizing it?