Introducing REIN Life



In 2014 we launched The REIN Real Estate Report to provide our readers proprietary research and thought leadership but we’ve come to recognize that in today’s market, it’s not enough.

Beyond how-to topics and economic insights, we need to educate, elevate and inspire our readers to live “The REIN Life”. We want you to be living a life you love, free of financial constraints and concerns, thanks to the effects of investing in real estate the REIN way.

So in the spirit of change, we are pleased to announce an upcoming editorial shift and elevation of this publication to include specialized reporting, success stories and lifestyle insights for today’s aspiring and accomplished real estate investor, The REIN Life.

As part of this shift we will be moving from a monthly publication format to bi-monthly starting with our January/February 2016 issue. Our editorial calendar will now be as follows:  January/February, March/April, June/July, August/September, and October/November. We will also be publishing one special issue dedicated solely to our Top Towns every December.

We are excited about this change and hope you are too!

To sign up to receive 4 complementary issues of the digital version of REIN Life, please click HERE.

To have a copy of REIN Life delivered to your front door, please click HERE

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have to



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