Meet Real Estate Investment Advisor Jean Ouellette

Jean_Ouellette_blog.pngBy Jean Ouellette

Jean has over 15 years experience in the retirement field, advising the processes of retirement and retirement goals.

After several discussions with members, he noticed that the retirement date was not determined by age but by INCOME! Members were looking to see if they could “live” on the monthly pension. After realizing this, Jean started looking for alternative investments and noticed real estate.

He started pursuing real estate investing through education, reading and coaching. Jean joined REIN in December 2011 to further his education and through the systems learned from REIN, he also incorporated his own systems and is now investing in new builds and concentrates in building affiliates with other investors/builders to capitalize on each other’s strengths.

Jean doesn’t concentrate on achieving a number of doors but invests with a purpose. His exit strategy is already determined by his purchase and when the term of his investment is up.

As a novice or experienced investor, it is important to have investments that are marked for our future/retirement date while we are building our portfolio. Don’t be blinded by the daunting task of just building your portfolio.

Jean has learned a great deal and became successful with the help of coaching, and now he wants to see what you can accomplish together.

Jean Ouellette is a Real Estate Investment Advisor (REIA). Read more about him and the REIA program here.


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